Our Digital Marketing Goals For 2022

It is beneficial to set goals within both your personal and professional life. To get that list started, sometimes it is helpful to hear someone else's plans for the new year. That is why our Social Stamina team is here to share some of our digital marketing and social media goals for 2022!

Goal #1: Increase Website Traffic

Increase Website Traffic

Before anyone can purchase or learn something from you, they likely need to visit your website. Driving traffic from social media is critical to the success of your marketing strategy. Therefore, we are making it a point to promote our website whenever possible

Fun Tip: Build up the blog portion of your website. Sharing new blogs with your followers is an easy post idea for your account that also drives users to your site.

Goal #2: Adapt to Social Media Algorithms

We are making it a point to communicate on social media more often. We know you are probably saying: “wait, isn’t that the whole point?”. But, at times, we find ourselves focusing too much on just posting and liking.

Instagram favors accounts that are more active and responsive to their audience. Because of this, we plan to reach out to five Instagram accounts weekly to better adapt to these algorithms. Implementing this tactic will help us build relationships with users and prepare us for when other social media sites follow suit.

Giving Users an Inside Look

Goal #3: Give Users an Inside Look

This online strategy may seem obvious to some and unprofessional to others. However, we find that showing the faces behind a brand can work wonders on social media. Doing so makes you more personable, shows gratitude, and increases audience engagement. In 2022, Social Stamina is trying to post more behind the scenes of social media marketing and celebrate team accomplishments – and we recommend you do too!

Goal #4: Strengthen Weekly Workflow

Whether you work remotely or see your co-workers every day, it is critical to have strong online communication for growth. This year, we are expanding our programs to streamline our work process. We want to stay as organized as possible, maintain existing data, learn valuable resources, and update each other frequently to start on the right track.

Goal #5: Take Creative Breaks

Take Creative Breaks

Feeling burnt out creatively is completely normal – especially after a hectic holiday season. It may be tempting to push through it and see what comes of it. But, time and time again, we end up feeling less motivated and inspired. 

In 2022, we want to practice stepping away when a mental block hits instead. Take a walk, talk to a coworker, work on a completely different task, or even grab yourself a snack. Little things like this can help refresh your mind and accomplish tasks with a new perspective.

Need Help Accomplishing Your Social Media Goals? 

Social Stamina is here to assist you in staying on top of your work goals. Contact us today to set up your FREE consultation and discuss your next marketing steps.

Social Stamina