The Most Important Digital Marketing Lessons We Took Away From 2021

In 2021, marketers learned new online management techniques – through sheer necessity and curiosity. Here are the top four digital marketing lessons our team learned from last year.

It’s Important to Branch Out to Other Social Media Platforms

As we witnessed with the Facebook company-wide blackout in October, a social media platform (or multiple) can vanish in seconds. Though this outage didn’t last long, the lack of online communication through these top platforms put marketers in a tizzy.

From this, we discovered just how critical it is to be on multiple platforms. You don’t have to dominate every site, but make sure you know the ins and outs – content features, shopping opportunities, messaging options, etc. That way, if one app goes down or loses popularity, you can quickly move on to the next!

Use Pop Culture To Your Advantage for Digital Marketing

Being left out of the joke is never fun, so why would you want your brand to be? Nothing puts your online persona out there like joining the global conversations surrounding pop culture, memes, and celebrity news. 

We found sharing this type of content personifies your brand and can increase your chance of virality. Find what trending topics work for your business goals and test them out (you never know what could happen on social media).

Networking IS Marketing

Genuine networking with customers and other companies is more valuable than any sale you will make. Your goal should be to build actual connections online, not just business transactions. 

Stay true to your brand personality and be transparent with your intentions. Nothing is worse than someone solely pushing products, sponsorships, and achievements on social media. Instead, show the authenticity behind your username, and growth will soon follow!

Blogs Are Your Website’s Best Friend

In 2021, we realized just how influential blogs are in boosting website traffic. Blogs update users on social media trends, improve your communication skills, provide marketing tips, broaden your reach, and so much more.

The research process behind blog writing helps inform both yourself and the public on what’s happening online. Make a conscious effort to build up the blog section of your website in 2022 – one blog can connect you to a multitude of digital opportunities.

What's Next for Marketing in 2022?

So, with 2022 in full swing, how do you prepare ahead? How can you implement these lessons learned into your digital marketing plans? What online trends can you expect to see? 

Don’t worry – our Social Stamina team has you covered. Check out one of our recent blogs that explains our social media expectations for 2022!

Social Stamina